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When AI Meets The Universe SpaceAI 2024

SpaceAI 2024

SpaceAI is an annual, multidisciplinary, collaborative program in which scientists, software engineers, industry experts as well as students/citizens all participate in as various project teams, in order to solve targeted, peer-reviewed questions in space science, astronomy, and space technology with artificial intelligence (AI).
The program runs in parallel with a scientist track and a citizen scientist track. Through this program, it is expected that our understanding of the universe can be enhanced, and program outcomes will be widely used in various user communities.
We welcome your suggestions for maximizing the practical use of this program and encourage your participation.


Scientist Track

The scientist track coordinates scientists and AI engineers to voluntarily participate in peer-reviewed projects as team and supports the project teams providing a concentrated co-working environment, motivation, continuous advice and computing resources.

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Citizen Scientist Track

The citizen scientist track opens up opportunities for students/citizens to have hands-on training in developing AI models with a variety of datasets used in astronomy and space science.

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Scientist Track

SpaceAI 2024 Conference
(Introduction of the SpaceAI program and R&D activities in 2023)
February 7
Online registration
(To participate in the 2024 Scientist Track)
April 5 – May 31
Call for R&D proposalsApril 5 – May 10
Peer review of proposals
(Advice and selection)
May - June
Kick-off meetingJuly 1
WorkshopsIn August (TBD)

Citizen Scientist Track
- 1st Astronomy & Space AI Contest

Online registrationJuly 22 - August 2
Contest briefingJuly 24 (Wed)
Preliminary stageAugust 5 - 9
Final stageAugust 19 - 23
Contest awards ceremonySeptember 6 (Fri)